Change postcode/zipcode from required to optional
In some countries postcode/zipcode may be unavailable or not used. This code changes the postcode/zipcode fields from required to optional.
In some countries postcode/zipcode may be unavailable or not used. This code changes the postcode/zipcode fields from required to optional.
The main address fields can be made into a textarea data entry fields with this code. This could be used in conjunction with the remove checkout fields function to hide the second address field.
The product tabbed area can be moved to the right, to sit under the short description and add to cart button. This can be useful if you have hidden everything except description and the text entered in this field is brief.
This code changes the separator in the breadcrumb, for example from the / to the > symbol.
You can easily change any text string appearing in Classic Commerce with this code. This example changes the text on the empty cart page from “Return to shop” to “Return to product listing”
This code changes the “add to cart” text on the button when a product has been added to the cart.
Classic Commerce puts a small “Sale” tag on the corner of the item image when a sale price is set for that product. You can change the text on this button with the code below. Note you will probably also need to adjust the css to fix the format if you are using a longer … Read moreChange text on sale button
This code sets the number of products displayed on each page of the category view.
The product gallery thumbnails have a default setting of 4 per row but this may not work well with your theme. The number of thumbnails per row can be set using this code.