A simple, powerful and independent e-commerce platform.
Sell anything with ease.

Add ‘New’ badge for recently added items

This code puts a ‘New!‘ badge on items that have been added recently. The setting in the example below is for products added in the last 30 days. A class has also been included to match the “onsale” button, but you can change the class name if you want to style it differently.

Hide product count on category display pages

When the category display pages have been set to show subcategories (rather than all products), the sub-category headings include the number of items in that category. This code hides that product count.  

Add quantity selector to the category page

The default Classic Commerce setup displays the add-to-cart button on the category page. The quantity selector is only available on the individual product page, or in the cart. This code adds a quantity selector onto the category page as well.