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Sell anything with ease.

Move product tabs beside the product images

The product tabbed area can be moved to the right, to sit under the short description and add to cart button. This can be useful if you have hidden everything except description and the text entered in this field is brief.  

Hide product count on category display pages

When the category display pages have been set to show subcategories (rather than all products), the sub-category headings include the number of items in that category. This code hides that product count.  

Remove product links for

In a very simple shop you may not be using the individual product pages at all. This code removes the links to the product pages that are normally added on the cart view.  

Change number of products per row

The category page shows four products per row by default. This can be changed using the function below (for example, changing it to 2). Note: This snippet may no longer be necessary as this number can be now easily be set in the customizer.